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Check out our City male mannequin collection. Pose 3 with Erik head shows the male form with his right leg bent slightly at the knee, both hands down along the sides with the head facing to the left. The Erik head is slightly different than our Oval Abstract head in…
Check out our City male mannequin collection. Pose 3 with Erik head shows the male form with his right leg bent slightly at the knee, both hands down along the sides with the head facing to the left. The Erik head is slightly different than our Oval Abstract head in that it has a nose and a mouth. The mannequin feet are in such a position to allow for a shoe with a short heel. City male mannequins can be matched with our City Female and City Kids collections for a perfect display.
The ease in which this male mannequin assembles will save time in dressing the mannequin. All of our mannequins in this collection allow for either a calf rod or a foot rod (both included). The foot rod goes through the bottom of the left foot. The base standout is removable and can be struck to the floor for a more permanent vignette.