There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Show off handbags, hanging garments, or packaged merchandise with our Black 5-Hook Square Tubing Waterfall Faceout for Slatwall. This conveniently angled faceout gives your hanging products maximum accessibility while also keeping them securely in place. Add the Black 5-Hook Square Tubing Waterfall Faceout for Slatwall to your slatwall displays at any height. This faceout’s staggered design enhances visibility. The generous backplate anchors securely into slats and won’t come loose, even with repeated shopping and merchandising.
5-hook downslant can hold handbags, packaged goods or garments on hangers. Generous backplate will keep your display secure on your slatwall.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Give your products maximum visibility with this White 5-Hook Square Tubing Waterfall Faceout for Slatwall. Attract shoppers’ attention with this efficient display and increase sales. Five sturdy hooks can be used to hold handbags, hanging garments, jewelry, accessories, and more. Backward-facing hooks keep items in place while still offering easy access for customers. This sturdy metallic White 5-Hook Square Tubing Waterfall Faceout for Slatwall offers 16 inches of hanging space. The white semi-gloss finish showcases merchandise to its best advantage and gives a clean look to your store. The sturdy backplate attaches easily to standard slatwall and stays in place.
5-hook downslant can hold handbags, packaged goods or garments on hangers. Generous backplate will keep your display secure on your slatwall.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Display handbags, hanging garments, packaged merchandise, and more on our Chrome 5-Hook Square Tubing Waterfall Faceout for Slatwall. This bright chrome faceout has a durable finish that maintains its looks and keeps your store looking polished. The slanted design maximizes the visibility of all items. Five backward-facing hooks keep straps, hangers, or bags from slipping off during shopping or merchandising. This Chrome 5-Hook Square Tubing Waterfall Faceout for Slatwall features a strong backplate that stays securely attached to your slatwall display, yet slides easily to a new location for fast layout changes. The sturdy square tubing is capable of holding even heavy items safely. Description:
5-hook downslant can hold handbags, packaged goods or garments on hangers. Generous backplate will keep your display secure on your slatwall.
Traditionally used to display handbags. May be used with any products containing a strap, such as luggage or any other types of hanging or packaged goods.
Traditionally used to display handbags. May be used with any products containing a strap, such as luggage or any other types of hanging or packaged goods.