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ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
3/16" thick glass with pencil edges. Perfect to create various combinations of cubbies using CON/2, CON/3 and CON/4 glass connectors. Sold in full cartons of 10 units of glass only.
Make your gift items, packaged shirts, blouses and sweater displays more inviting by using tempered glass and connectors on top of wood platform bases in a black or natural finish. These attractive displays will compliment the décor in any retail environment. Our 10"x 10" tempered glass for cubbies make the perfect backs for cubbies, allowing them to hold shirts in an ordered and attractive manner.
Trying to determine glass cubbie layouts and how many pieces of glass and what types of connectors to use can be somewhat confusing. We tried to make it easier for you. Click here to download our Glass Cubbie Worksheet Guide. It shows the most popular configurations, including the proper supplies needed to create these wonderful retail display merchandisers.