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ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
This sturdy and stylish 13" x 24" Black Open Bottom Bullnose Shelf can be used on all types of wall displays, such as slatwall or slotted standards, and is available in attractive wood grain finishes such as hard rock maple, medium or walnut. The open bottom will not be visible…
This sturdy and stylish 13" x 24" Black Open Bottom Bullnose Shelf can be used on all types of wall displays, such as slatwall or slotted standards, and is available in attractive wood grain finishes such as hard rock maple, medium or walnut. The open bottom will not be visible to consumers when positioned below eye level. Two print styles are available either just on the bullnose and sides, (#FIN/2), or on the complete shelf including the top (#FIN/3). Wood grain finish applications can be ordered separately for an extra charge.
Injection Molded Duron Shelves are sturdy, scratch-proof, attractive and versatile. Bullnose design prevents shelves from sagging. Shelf bracket lip will neatly conceal a secure fit to bottom of shelf to prevent tipping. Made in USA. Should be used with any 12" long shelf bracket.