4-Way Retail Clothing Racks
4-way clothing racks are available from Fixtures And Displays in chrome, satin chrome as well as matte black
This garment rack configuration complements the popular round or circular racks as consumers can now see the entire front of the garment rather than just the shoulders. Utilizing waterfall arms allows multiple garments in different colors or styles to be seen easily on two sides. The straight arm allows the retailer to maximize the inventory displayed on the floor. Arms are independently adjustable to account for multiple garment lengths. Create two-tier hanging with add-on arms. All racks accept both twin wheel and ball casters.
To create a diverse and interesting retail environment, intermingle 2-way and 4-way racks and create a natural traffic flow for your customers
Available in 3 finishes
4-Way High Capacity Garment Rack with Straight Arms - Rectangular Tubing UprightsAs low as $99.00